Track Plan

Here is a look at my track plan.  It consists of two outer loops and various sidings for industries.  The spur on the left will be expanded down to a coal unloading dock on the coast.  Industries in the center will include a sawmill where logs will be dropped off and lumber will be picked up, a liquefied propane unloading station and various shipping depots.  In the upper right corner, the cut out shows the two loops traversing a mountain via a tunnel.  There is a spare switch in the mountain for a potential helix.  This helix may eventually lead to a future upper deck where passenger service will be managed.  The layout is currently in one corner of my home office, there is a lot of potential for expansion.

NScaleLayout Grampy

2 thoughts on “Track Plan

  1. Looking good! I should get my own up here soo….that is, trackplan! 😀

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